Free On Demand Masterclass for Chronic Illness Warriors
Explore the Natural 3 Step Symptom Freedom Technique that can Help Free You From Chronic Symptoms Without Elimination Diets, Laboratory Testing, or Supplements!
This Masterclass reveals valuable insights, including:
- Why adhering to elimination diets and lifestyles can often have negative consequences, and What alternative actions should be taken.
- The reason why certain individuals can consume whatever they please and travel wherever they like without experiencing any adverse symptoms (hint: it’s not because of their genetics).
- The unexpected explanation for why many people with food intolerances struggle to enjoy their preferred dishes and how to circumvent this issue.
- The truth about the root causes of environmental and food intolerances, which are frequently unrelated to toxins or infections.
- Why anyone seeking relief from intolerances may benefit from avoiding strict elimination diets.
Hosted by Tina Paulus FDNP
Hi, I’m Tina Paulus, a wife, mother, grandmother, master herbalist, and functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner. I started having really bad symptoms after moving into a moldy house in the woods. I had fatigue and weakness so bad I could not do anything. I could not remember enough to read a sentence and know what it said. Sleeping, much less staying still, at night was non-existent, and every scent and food created horrible symptoms of total restlessness, fatigue, and gut issues. Now I made it my mission to help adults just like you get their life back from the chronic illness. I walk, hike, ride bikes, eat a diverse diet and run my own business for years now.
This is for you if you have chronic symptoms and want to be able to eat what you want, go where you want, and do what you want!